Principles of Asset Reliability Masterclass

Posted by | 01/04/2016 | News

Principles of Asset Reliability Masterclass

How Efficient Physical Asset Management can Decrease the Risk and Maintenance Cost

Venue1: 19 – 20 May 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Venue 2: 22 – 23 May 2016 in Dubai, UAE


Dear Leaders,

Workshop Overview:

This workshop is a two days training course meant to improve the knowledge in asset reliability and developing strategies to asset management.

Day 1: covers the understanding of Reliability metrics, statistical background, introduction to life data analysis (LDA), the principles of degradation analysis and an introduction to recurrent data analysis.

Day 2: covers the concepts and principles of reliability system analysis, an introduction to RAMs (Reliability/ Availability/Maintainability) analysis, throughput analysis, life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and a simplified Asset Reliability case study (Final exam).

Benefits of Attending:

  • UNDERSTAND the importance of efficient management of physical assets
  • DESIGN an effective strategy for the management of physical assets in your business
  • COORDINATE the management of physical assets
  • CASCADE the asset management concepts across functional areas and organizational levels
  • FACILITATE the understanding of data and reports for selected assets
  • APPLY software tools to support the asset management
  • ESTABLISH a proactive management culture for the physical assets
  • USE concepts of scientific and quantitative management of assets


“Miguel is a very responsible and dedicated trainer. He can handle multiple tasks at the same time. He consistently gives 100% at work. His presentations and training were largely successful. I believe he possesses the right set of skills and qualifications that an exceptional reliability professional should have.” – Senior Systems Engineer, Akaer Engenharia Ltda

“Miguel has outstanding skills as reliability engineer and is fully committed to improve performances of processes and products.” – Senior Process Engineer, Nansen S.A. Instrumentos de Precisão

For more information and registration, do send an email to with the following subject title:

Malaysia Session: ARMKL-GFB

Dubai Session: ARMDB-GFB


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